Wednesday, December 25

Party's over. Cousins gave me cornrow braids, so that's $150 saved.
When can I open my presents??

Tuesday, December 24

Ah Mah laughing away at TV. Knees are still black and there's pus oozing outta the exposed flesh. Beautiful.
Still in semi-crush mode. Too bad semi-crush likes somebody else. BOO HOO HOO!!!!! Hyuck hyuck!! Haha.
I think I'm still a bit drunk.
It's Christmas Eve and I'm lonely. Mom will be making Christmas dinner later. Methinks it will be:
1) 6 varieties of ham.
2) 28 varieties of sushi.
3) Garden salad.
4) Chinese salad.
5) Linguine.
6) French loaf.
What the heck. I'm bored and injured and nobody cares.

Monday, December 23

Went ice skating. Ouch~. I fell down 8 times and I've got cuts and grazes across my knees. Woo-hoo!
Ting's birthy day today and I got her a gigantic flower cushion. We went to K-box for intensive 5-hour karaoke session. Played a drinking game and I lost and I had to drink an entire jug of Coca Cola. Nearly barfed. Erlack.
I'm in semi-crush mode now.

Saturday, December 21

I'm so tired... I have only slept 15 hourse in 5 days. And today was the Sec One orientation. Had to be toilet usher. Ushered 58 little boys and girls to the toilet today. 46 girls and 12 boys. And I ushered the same boy 4 times.
He must have a very small bladder and brain.
Cousin Hui Jie went to Maris Stella. He had a PSLE aggregate of 228, which was shocking as he had always done well in school. I expected him to get at least 250, since I got 252, my brother got 253 and cousin Jiayi got 256. But I'm glad that was over. I'll give anything not to be 12 years old again.
In a week plus, it will be 2003. I'm going to be 16 next year...GCSEs!! But heck.
Bro is going out of the door as I write. He is all "gussied up" for CI Night. But apart from the long sleeved shirt, everything's a mess. He didn't gel his hair, he's wearing jeans and he is actually wearing hiking boots. If you say the word 'style' to him, he'd probably think it's got to do with pigs.
Ah Mah and Ah Gong just arrived from Malaysia. They are watching the telly. Some Tony Leung Ka Fai show.
So hungry. Going to raid the kitchen now.